my idea for fashion 2014

This is actually fun idea for the task of advertising photography. knows what is in mind I combine furor flowers with stripes and a blue bra. eh well with faded jeans hahaha very stupid.
but i think not so stupid after seeing the results. not bad. may not have been a little extreme to have a lady gaga look on this world.
and I think I want to be lady gaga part two, maybe for the next few years. whatever you wear. It will be a reflection of yourself. so should not wear anything that you think does not fit with what you want. but I want to tell you that all people have different ways to explore ourselves.
thank you very much for my besties muah muah Fitri Apriliya for his willingness to give body and face that I have random:hahaha thank you so much


model: Fitri Apriliya
photograph by me

i ♥ my Red Ribbon

make up by me

